Regenerative Organic Certified™ Launched! Now What?

Regenerative Organic Certified™ Launched! Now What?

We need to make clear, calculated changes to our food and fiber systems to make regenerative organic the new model. If we adopt regenerative organic practices on more farms, we’ll see improvements to soil health, the well-being of animals, farmers, workers, and the climate itself.Continue Reading

Celebrating Juneteenth—What Does it Mean to be Free?

Celebrating Juneteenth—What Does it Mean to be Free?

Juneteenth commemorates the approximate day when the last enslaved persons were set free in America. The news of the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 did not reach all folks in bondage overnight, and some slavemasters even withheld the information until after harvest season. Galveston, Texas was the last place the news of Freedom and the passage of the 13th amendment was shared as Federal troops came and read general Order number 3: “The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance... Continue Reading

Surfing with Dr. Bronner’s

Surfing with Dr. Bronner’s

If you are a frequent or long-time surfer then you are all too familiar with the types of ailments that can plague surfers and make their lives miserable. Although maladies like swimmer’s ear, sprains, or jellyfish stings cannot be helped by Dr. Bronner’s (as far as we know!), our products ARE very helpful for a few of the annoyances that surfers face.Continue Reading

Hoja de Dilución Para Jabón Puro de Castilla Liquido

Bottle of Dr. Bronner's - dilutions cheat sheet Hoja de Dilución Para Jabón Puro de Castilla Liquido

¡Diluye! ¡Diluye! Pero, ¿cuánto? Aquí tienes una referencia rápida. Ninguna de estas diluciones de jabón pretende ser una cantidad exacta. Si lo que estás limpiando está muy sucio o el agua es muy dura, entonces es posible que quieras usar más de la cantidad especificada. Dicho esto, estas diluciones de Jabón Puro de Castilla Liquido deberían servirte para empezar. Observará que para algunas aplicaciones, recomendamos diluir previamente el jabón, lo que normalmente implica combinar el jabón con el agua en... Continue Reading

The Woman Behind Award-Winning Social Enterprise Aliet Green

The Woman Behind Award-Winning Social Enterprise Aliet Green

When I first sat down with Lastiana Yuliandari, founder and director of Indonesian award-winning social enterprise Aliet Green, she told me her success was “by accident, everything happened by accident.” Fans of our Magic All-One Chocolate may already know we sweeten all flavors with organic, fair trade, and now Regenerative Organic Certified™ (ROC™) coconut sugar. What you likely don’t know is the woman behind the magic. With Aliet Green becoming ROC just last month, I was lucky enough to meet... Continue Reading

Updates from the Field: Tackling Climate Change, One Acre at a Time

Updates from the Field: Tackling Climate Change, One Acre at a Time

“We envision a world free of poisonous chemicals, factory farming, exploitation and income inequality, soil degradation, habitat destruction, pollution, short-term thinking, corporate bullies, greenwashing, and fake food.” Elizabeth Whitlow, Executive Director, Regenerative Organic Alliance The writing’s on the wall. It has been for years. Anthropogenic climate change is upon us, and it’s impacting everything from weather patterns to crop production to sea levels. According to the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC): “Science makes it clear that to avert the worst... Continue Reading

Mother’s Day Magic Nut Butter Cookies

Mother’s Day Magic Nut Butter Cookies

This Mother’s Day, I wanted to create something simple, quick, and delicious for kids to make for mom (with a little help). This got me thinking… what did I create for my mother growing up? Well, my mother owned a delicious bakery, and her mother was an exceptional chef, so the bar is set very high in our household! I took a trip down memory lane, because growing up I couldn’t wait to help my mom cook dinner every night... Continue Reading