In 2014, the U.N. reported that at current erosion rates, less than 60 years of farmable soil remains on our planet before we lose this precious living membrane to wind and water erosion. Meanwhile, increasing temperatures are causing more frequent and severe climate catastrophes. No one is immune to the global climate crisis, but those least responsible for human-caused climate change are often the most severely impacted.
Category: Featured
Why We Support the 2020 Ballot Measure that Would Legalize & Regulate Psilocybin Therapy in Oregon
Dr. Bronner’s Donates $150,000 in Matching Funds to Support Signature Drive Last night it was my honor to join Tom and Sheri Eckert, experienced Portland-based therapists who are the chief petitioners for Oregon’s statewide ballot initiative to legalize psilocybin-assisted therapy, as they welcomed famed mycologist Paul Stamets and special guests for an event at the Newmark Theatre in Portland.
Industrial Agriculture is Fueling the Crisis in the Amazon
Dr. Bronner’s is Matching Donations to Amazon Watch this Month For the last couple of weeks, the news has been full of stories about fires in the Amazon rainforest. Record numbers of fires have been lit this year, numbering over 70,000—an 84% increase over last year. Industrial agriculture in the Amazon, which includes cattle ranching along with vast monoculture soy and palm plantations,
Vertile Foundation: Giving Hope to Haitian Children
by Gina Coccari
Featured photo courtesy of the Vertile Foundation. I nominated Vertile Foundation this year to be a part of Dr. Bronner’s Employee Contribution Program, which allows us to nominate organizations that we think deserve more attention. Once five organizations have been selected, they are presented by each of the five employees who nominated those organizations at our quarterly staff meeting.
Return of The Plant: The Promise of Hemp
Hemp History Week is celebrating 10 years as the U.S.’s largest educational campaign about hemp, supported by grassroots organizers, leaders from the industry, farmers and hemp advocates. Hemp History Week was started by the Hemp Industries Association and pioneering hemp businesses like Dr. Bronner’s, Nutiva and Manitoba Harvest as a way of raising awareness around hemp and fighting for regulation that would allow for its farming and production.
Sun+Earth Certified: For the Land, For the People
The Righteous Way to Grow Cannabis Most everything we consume, including all our food, clothes and plant medicines like cannabis, are agricultural products. How we farm and produce these products determines what one-third of the earth’s surface and much of its population looks like. Pesticide- and herbicide-dependent chemical-industrial agriculture has created massive plantations and growing operations that destroy topsoil,
Working for Our Right to Know the Truth
by Carey Gillam
It’s not an appetizing idea—the fact that the food we eat and feed our children could be regularly laced with an array of insecticides, herbicides and other pesticides. But the sad and sometimes scary truth is that conventional agricultural practices leave traces of pesticides in many popular foods. Making matters more worrisome is the growing body of scientific research linking pesticide residues in food and water to human health problems.
Hemp Agriculture Now Legal in United States!
After nearly two decades of our company’s advocacy and leadership in this fight, I am proud to say that it is finally legal for farmers in the U.S. to grow hemp! The 2018 Farm Bill, passed by Congress earlier this month, and signed into law by the President today, December 20th, 2018, includes provisions which remove hemp from the Controlled Substances Act,
All-One Activist: Aryenish Birdie of Encompass
Bringing Racial Diversity, Inclusivity, and Equity to the Animal Advocacy Movement Dr. Bronner’s “All-One Activist” series profiles influential activists who are advancing the core causes that Dr. Bronner’s supports through its philanthropy and advocacy work including animal advocacy, regenerative agriculture, drug policy reform, and community betterment. Dr. Bronner’s is a philanthropic supporter of Encompass, an organization founded in 2017 that works to improve racial diversity,
Resilience and Regeneration in Sri Lanka’s Serendipol
by Gero Leson
Beyond Organic, Beyond Fair Trade Dr. Bronner’s helped set up its sister company Serendipol in Sri Lanka in 2007—and it has since become the world’s foremost supplier of fair trade and organic coconut oil. Serendipol works with more than 1,200 farmers farming 21,000 acres, employs over 250 workers and professional staff at its factory in Kuliyapitiya,