Plastic Packaging in Body & Home Care Products Must Be Reduced. But Is It Possible?

For decades, plastics have provided us with cheap, durable, and lightweight solutions in just about every industry. This is especially true when it comes to the packaging of personal care products. However, this convenience comes at a cost. Plastic packaging waste has numerous detrimental impacts on the environment, from sitting permanently in landfills and seeping into the soil,

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3 Mind-Blowing Soap Hacks from Lisa Bronner’s “Soap & Soul”

Lisa Bronner’s Soap & Soul offers a wealth of insights and practical tips for home and body care. This guide to green living centers on harnessing the versatility of Dr. Bronner’s products while adopting a low-tox lifestyle. Below, we explore three mind-blowing soap hacks from Lisa Bronner’s book that are guaranteed to transform your skincare routine and enhance your self-care practices!

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Our Journey to Zero Waste: Building a Circular Economy at Dr. Bronner’s

A circular economy is a setup where we share, lease, reuse, fix, spruce up, and recycle materials and products to keep them going for as long as we can instead of just throwing them away. We’re committed to a zero waste-to-landfill philosophy, meaning that more than 90% of waste is diverted from landfills by recycling, composting,

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In Ivory Coast, Women Do 70% of Cocoa Work but Earn Just 20%. KANY Women’s Co-op Is Bridging This Income Gap.

In Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire), women provide almost 70% of the labor on cocoa farms yet receive only 20% of the income [1]. KANY Scoops, Dr. Bronner’s primary cocoa supplier, is committed to addressing this disparity (KANY means “light” in Akan). This cooperative stands out for its focus on empowering women in cocoa farming, ensuring the crucial contributions of women are acknowledged and valued.

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Read an Excerpt from Lisa Bronner’s New Book “Soap & Soul,” a Comprehensive Guide to Green Living and Dr. Bronner’s Products!

Soap & Soul, A Practical Guide to Minding Your Home, Your Body, and Your Spirit with Dr. Bronner’s Soaps is available now in hardback, eBook & audiobook. Order your copy today! In “Soap & Soul,” Lisa Bronner, granddaughter of Dr. Bronner, offers a practical guide for green living and embracing an eco-friendly lifestyle. Using the experience she’s gained from her blog,

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What Defines a Mission-Driven Company? See Our Cosmic Impact in Action!

A mission-driven company goes beyond a mission statement. It’s about prioritizing people and uplifting everyone along the supply chain – employees, consumers, communities, and the environment. This year we’ve been celebrating a significant achievement: 75 years in business for Dr. Bronner’s and a remarkable 165 years since the Bronner family began crafting soap in Laupheim, Germany back in 1858.

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Why Soaps Made with Organic Ingredients Are Better for You and the Environment

When it comes down to it, organic soaps—and Pure-Castile Soaps made with organic ingredients—are better for your skin than conventional soaps and detergents loaded with synthetics and other chemicals that can harm the skin and body. They also tend to have significantly less environmental impact. Table of Contents USDA Definitions on Organic Certifications What Ingredients Are Usually Found in Natural,

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Is Chocolate Vegan?

Can vegans eat chocolate? Yes! Chocolate can absolutely be vegan. Most dark chocolate is vegan, but you’ll want to inspect the label to be sure. However, chocolate containing dairy products is not vegan-friendly, and the processing of some chocolate products can also make it not vegan. Are you on a quest to find the best quality vegan chocolate bar?

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