Lisa Bronner Finds Her Voice

“I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realized I am somebody.” – Lily Tomlin  Though Lisa Bronner nowadays makes regular appearances on panels and podcasts to discuss issues ranging from ingredient disclosure to deforestation, she didn’t start out being so outspoken. Her grandfather, Dr. Emanuel Bronner, is well-known for standing on his soapbox and telling anyone who would listen about his plan to “Unite Spaceship Earth!” Her oldest brother David has been a long-time activist too—on issues from criminal justice reform to animal advocacy.

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10 Years of Fighting for Animals!

Since it began ten years ago, Dr. Bronner’s animal advocacy funding program has helped to fuel policy change, establish many new organizations and initiatives working for change, while sustaining many other efforts with critical resources. During this time, our company has sought to help shift the cultural discourse around ethics, food systems, agriculture, and how humans relate to other animals,

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UK Organizations on the Front Lines of Animal Advocacy, Environmental Sustainability & More

Dr. Bronner’s Supporting Organizations in the UK Working for a Better World Dr. Bronner’s is proud to announce its partners in the All-One UK Initiative for 2023. All-One UK is a chapter of our All-One International Initiative that ensures mission-aligned advocacy is supported by the markets where we sell our products outside of the United States.

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Bold Action for Eco-Justice & Social Change in Canada

Dr. Bronner’s is proud to announce the 2022 recipients of funding through our All-One Canada Initiative. All-One Canada is a chapter of Dr. Bronner’s All-One International Initiative that seeks to ensure mission-aligned advocacy is supported in markets that we sell products in and is at the heart of our continuing global growth strategy. At a minimum,

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A Day in the Garbage

It was 6 a.m. in the parking lot on an overcast Wednesday morning at the Dr. Bronner’s Headquarters in Vista, California. Nearly forty bleary-eyed staffers from across the company, myself included, were getting ready to volunteer for the 9th Annual Dumpster Dive – a chance to get personal with Dr. Bronner’s waste streams. While scarfing down hot breakfast burritos and coffee,

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What Is Agroforestry? How Nonprofit Grow Ahead Uses It to Fight Climate Change

Approximately 80% of global deforestation stems from agricultural production, contributing to 15-18% of greenhouse emissions. This widespread issue may seem overwhelming, leaving us feeling powerless against climate change. However, a viable solution might exist. California nonprofit Grow Ahead champions agroforestry as a dynamic response to combat climate change. Agroforestry involves planting trees alongside crops in a food forest system,

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Does Eating a Plant-Based Diet Actually Fight Climate Change?

Recently, it seems like every other environmental podcast, Instagram post, or campaign is encouraging its audience to “switch to a plant-based diet!” It’s true, switching to a plant-based diet is one of the most impactful actions an individual can do to lower their carbon footprint, but is going plant-based always the most sustainable choice for you and the planet?

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What Is Fair Trade Chocolate?

Chocolate that is fair trade and organic has been made using sustainable and ethical practices from production all the way up to a purchase. Fair trade produced chocolate ensures farmers are treated fairly and that the farming practices employed aren’t destructive to the environment. Table of Contents What Does Fair Trade Chocolate Mean? How Does Fair Trade Chocolate Alleviate Poverty,

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Regenerative Organic Agriculture Improves Soil & Fights Inequity – See How This Farm Is Pioneering the Practice

Reimagine a food system that is community- and human-centered. An immediate feeling of warmth and enchantment came over me as I made my way through the mulberry and olive trees between the old farmhouse and the cobb wood-fired oven at The Ecology Center in San Juan Capistrano, California. I took in abundant flora wandering through the Children’s Center.

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Southern Resident Orcas Are Going Extinct – Dr. Bronner’s & Coextinction Filmmakers Share How We Can Stop This

In 2018 an orca named Tahlequah in the North American Pacific Northwest made international headlines when she carried her deceased calf for 17 days in what many viewed as a profound grieving process. Tahlequah is the member of an endangered community of orcas, the Southern Residents, who have experienced so much loss that their population is now facing extinction.

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