Avoid These Toxins in Your Everyday Home and Body Care Products

This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Check out Lisa Bronner’s original article 12 Personal Care Ingredients to Avoid and visit Going Green for further reading on body and home care tips. A number of toxic chemicals are found in common, everyday home and body care products that can cause health issues.

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How to Clean Your Snowboard, Skis, Winter Clothes, and Gear with Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds

Winter weather is approaching! That means families and snow enthusiasts will soon be dusting off their gear from summer storage. As you may know, snowboards, skis, sleds, and winter clothing require special care to maximize their use and preserve them for the years to come. This season, don’t waste money on buying overpriced, specialized cleaners for each item.

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How to Clean Your Bicycle with Dr. Bronner’s

Do you ride bikes? Cycle roads, mountains, streets? Enjoy feeling the fun and freedom only bikes provide? I sure love to ride my hybrid road/mountain bike on my local cycleways. And I love to use Dr. Bronner’s to clean my gear. Did you know that Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds Cleaner and our Peppermint Pure-Castile Liquid Soap are great cycling companions?

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Hoja de Dilución Para Jabón Puro de Castilla Liquido

¡Diluye! ¡Diluye! Pero, ¿cuánto? Aquí tienes una referencia rápida. Ninguna de estas diluciones de jabón pretende ser una cantidad exacta. Si lo que estás limpiando está muy sucio o el agua es muy dura, entonces es posible que quieras usar más de la cantidad especificada. Dicho esto, estas diluciones de Jabón Puro de Castilla Liquido deberían servirte para empezar.

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Bar Soap Dilutions Cheat Sheet

This post originally appeared on Going Green with Lisa Bronner. Like the forgotten middle child, the Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Bar Soap has languished without a usage cheat sheet for years while the Pure-Castile Liquid Soap and Sal Suds Cleaner hoarded the attention. No more. Bar soap aficionados, this one’s for you! Whether you champion the bar soap because of cost,

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