My Journey to Embrace “He/They” as My Pronouns!

Thanks for reading this blog posted on National Coming Out Day, Oct 11th. For some time, I’ve thought it would be a good idea to “come out” and celebrate that I’ve considered myself “about 25% girl” for quite a while. I was in a fair amount of denial about this until a dramatic LSD and MDMA mediated initiation into spirit world in Amsterdam in a gay trance club called Mazzo,

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Setting the Record Straight on the Natural Medicines Health Act, New Approach, and PSFC

Recently leadership at SPORE posted a misleading statement regarding the Natural Medicines Health Act, following up the inaccurate op-ed that SPORE co-Executive Director Matthew Duffy wrote for the Denver Post (read my colleague Sean McAllister’s response to that op-ed). According to SPORE’s narrative, the New Approach PAC swooped in uninvited by any pre-existing in-state coalition in order to set up a regulated access program to financially line the pockets of wealthy donors involved in the Psychedelic Science Funders Collaborative,

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To the Magical Goddard Graduating Class of 2022!

On Sunday September 18, 2022, Dr. Bronner’s CEO David Bronner gave a commencement address to the graduating class at Goddard College. The students invited David to speak at the commencement—we share his remarks here as a window into David’s thoughts on life and learning and to help mark this occasion.  Thank you for inviting me to speak to you today. 

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Responding to the Anti-Semitic Bigotry and Anti-Indigenous Colonialism of Decriminalize Nature’s Leadership

Recently a colleague forwarded a graphic that Decriminalize Nature’s leadership was spreading around listservs. This latest defamation campaign targets myself and River Styx co-directors Miriam Volat and Cody Swift using anti-semitic imagery and tropes as well as flat out lies and misinformation about us. The yellow stars in the images, which Jews were forced to wear in Nazi-occupied Europe,

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On Entheogenic Practitioner Duties and Privileges under Oregon’s 109 Program

Below is my formal comment I submitted to the OHA.  Please email to submit your own written comment by 5:00 p.m. PDT on April 21, and if you can, also sign up to make direct verbal comments on April 18 and 21.  Also, please click this link to join an event the Portland Psychedelics Society is hosting at 6:00 p.m.

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Support CA’s Plastic Pollution Reduction Act and SB 54!

Our world is in a rapid state of change, both culturally and physically. Our planet’s life-giving cycles of carbon, water, and nutrients, and the living systems that depend on them, are under threat worldwide. We need to lower our consumptive impact on the planet – especially from global CO2 pollution and generation of waste – use our natural resources wisely,

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Natural Medicine Colorado: Combining Regulated and Community Healing Models

I’ve been waiting for the dust to settle to publish this blog regarding the Natural Medicine Health Act (NMHA), the ballot measure filed by Natural Medicine Colorado.¹ I see what the NMHA does as one seamless policy: making natural medicines—psychedelic plant and fungal medicines containing psilocybin, DMT, ibogaine or mescaline (excepting peyote)—available to all adult Coloradans in two powerful healing modalities: via a regulated access model in a therapeutic context;

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Let’s Strategically Raise the Minimum Wage for All Workers—with Paid Overtime for Farmworkers

In 2016 I authored an article titled “Raise the Minimum Wage Now! With a Smart, Fair, Incremental and Regional Approach,” where I stated with regards to the federal minimum wage (emphasis added) that: When a person working 40 hours a week can’t cover the basic costs of living, there’s something deeply wrong with our economic system.

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Genetic Engineering of Major Crops: the Most Recent Depressing Episode

In May this year, a Research Entomologist with the USDA contacted me and shared this message: I remember your full-page ad in the New Yorker several years ago when you predicted the disaster with dicamba-resistant transgenic soybeans. And guess what, it came true. And more to come: He was highlighting that the next Bayer-Monsanto GMO crop in the regulatory pipeline to be approved is now “stacked” with five different herbicide-tolerant traits to deal with the rise of “superweeds” that are increasingly herbicide resistant.

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