Be sure to check out Lisa Bronner’s original article “10 Labeling Traps to Recognize in Body Care” on Going Green for further reading on body and home care tips. Greenwashing is a marketing tactic used by companies to falsely give the impression that their product is environmentally friendly, actively helping the environment, or is derived from natural sources and therefore nontoxic to the body.
Tag: pure castile soap
How to Make Your Own Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Soap Scent
One question we get asked frequently by our passionate customers is if we have plans to release [fill in the blank]-scented liquid Castile Soap. But did you know that it’s quick and easy to make your own liquid Pure-Castile Soap scent? Read on to find out how! Before jumping in to making your own scent,
Dilutions Cheat Sheet for Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Soap
by Lisa Bronner
Dilute! Dilute! OK!* But how much? Here’s a quick reference. None of these soap dilutions are meant to be exact amounts. If what you’re cleaning is really dirty or your water is really hard, then you may want to use more than the specified amount. That said, these Pure-Castile Liquid Soap dilutions should get you started.
A Definitive Guide to Washing Your Hair With Dr. Bronner’s
Washing your hair with Dr. Bronner’s can work really well, but the truth is that it often involves a bit of tinkering to get it right. (Your hair type and water quality alone can greatly affect the results!) Here, we try to cover all the basic concepts and offer some troubleshooting tips as well. Much of the information presented here was compiled from customers who commented on Lisa Bronner’s original hair-washing post,