Kimmie’s Spiced Magic Hot Chocolate

What better way to get into the holiday spirit than hot cocoa on a cold winter day? As the All-One chef here at Dr. Bronner’s, my job is to bring people joy. Whether it’s coordinating daily vegan lunches for Dr. Bronner’s staff or sharing recipes with our All-One community, my passion is using food to nourish our souls & the environment around us. To me, this means incorporating the purest regenerative organic and fair trade ingredients wherever possible. With the holidays around the corner, I’m inspired to find recipes that make us feel warm, cozy, and festive while still treating the Earth like home. And with our newly-launched vegan, organic & fair trade Magic All-One Chocolate, this hot cocoa is the perfect fit.

More than anything, I want my recipes to be simple, quick, and accessible to all – this vegan hot cocoa is exactly that. The rich decadence of the chocolate does all the work, so all you need are a few key ingredients. My favorite nondairy milk is coconut milk, but you can substitute with any nondairy or dairy milk of choice. If you do go with coconut milk, be sure to keep in mind that it heats at a low temperature and will curdle (lump or separate) if you boil it on high. Similarly, our Magic All-One Chocolate melts at a very low temperature, so be sure to finely chop or grate it to avoid any burning. Lastly, feel free to pair this chocolatey goodness with one of our other Magic All-One Chocolate recipes from Lisa Bronner’s Going Green blog for maximum indulgence!

You can also download this recipe for future use or sharing with friends & family!


  • One 3 oz. bar Dr. Bronner’s Magic All-One Chocolate Salted Dark, chopped finely or grated
  • 4 cups organic unsweetened canned coconut milk
  • 3/4 tsp organic ground cinnamon
  • 3/4 tsp organic ground cloves
  • 3/4 tsp organic ground cardamom
  • 3/4 tsp organic ground star anise
  • 2 tsp agave nectar or to taste
  • Coconut whipped cream (optional)


1. Grate or finely chop chocolate.

2. In a small saucepan, add milk and spices.

3. Heat on low/medium until milk becomes steamy, but do not boil.

4. Once heated, remove from heat, add chocolate and agave, and stir until chocolate is melted

5. Pour into cups, and garnish with coconut whipped cream and/or sprinkle with any of the spices used. My favorite is cardamom!

6. Drink the magic!

Author Profile

Kim D'Amico

Kim D'Amico is a member of Dr. Bronner's Magic Foam Experience team, where she does everything from drive our Magic Firetruck to coordinate events. She is an avid baker in her free time and loves to share her recipes with friends.

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