Journey to Pavitramenthe

“Journey to Pavitramenthe highlights that Dr. Bronner’s is not just a brand name, it is a healing company. It not only walks its talk, it dances it, combining the highest regenerative agricultural practices with the fairest, kindest, social practices. I do not know of a company that does more per dollar for the earth and its people than Dr.

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Resilience and Regeneration in Sri Lanka’s Serendipol

Beyond Organic, Beyond Fair Trade Dr. Bronner’s helped set up its sister company Serendipol in Sri Lanka in 2007—and it has since become the world’s foremost supplier of fair trade and organic coconut oil. Serendipol works with more than 1,200 farmers farming 21,000 acres, employs over 250 workers and professional staff at its factory in Kuliyapitiya,

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Heal Soil, Heal Planet!

This article appears in our 2018 All-One! Report, read the full report here. The most technically sophisticated form of agriculture, designed to solve our future food and climate challenges? Or the most ancient, wise, and timeless way of growing? Regenerative organic agriculture is both. At its heart is an idea—not an ideology or political belief, but a universal truth of the natural world: All things are connected.

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Indian Mint Farmers Advance Regenerative Organic Agriculture

Since 2005, Dr. Bronner’s has shifted supplies of the vast majority of its main raw materials—coconut, palm, olive, mint oils—to organic and fair trade sources. Now, we are supporting our partners in their move to regenerative organic agriculture. One example is Pavitramenthe, our partners in Bareilly, India, some 170 miles east of Delhi. Pavitramenthe supplies Dr.

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Moving Towards Regenerative Organic Certification

What’s Next for Sustainable Agriculture? Beginning in 2003, Dr. Bronner’s committed to sourcing all major raw materials for its products from organic farms. It was apparent to the company’s leadership that industrial agriculture, with its unchecked use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, was doing great harm to our planet: from nitrogen and phosphorus-fueled dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico that are the result of fertilizer runoff,

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Regenetarians Unite!

How the Regenerative Agriculture and Animal Welfare Movements Can End Factory Farming, Restore Soil and Mitigate Climate Change Regenerating Agriculture, Soil and Atmosphere Soil is a miraculous living membrane, crucial for human and ecosystem health. Physically, soil sustains and nourishes us, each year bringing forth the bounty of crops and food that feed us and our fellow animals.

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