Dr. Bronner’s is proud to mark the ninth year of our philanthropy program to support efforts to end the exploitation and suffering of animals used for food. This commitment is made alongside the company’s other core causes, including regenerative organic agriculture, criminal justice and drug policy reform, fair trade and fair pay, and community betterment initiatives in the San Diego area.
Tag: animal welfare
3 Amazing Animal Rights Organizations to Support on Giving Tuesday
Dr. Bronner’s Nonprofit Partners are Making a Better World for Animals and All of Us By Lauren Stansbury Animal Advocacy is a core cause of Dr. Bronner’s philanthropic giving. By the end of 2022 the company will have donated more than $4 million (since 2013) to support work to end the systemic exploitation and suffering of animals.
All-One Activist: Aryenish Birdie of Encompass
Bringing Racial Diversity, Inclusivity, and Equity to the Animal Advocacy Movement Dr. Bronner’s “All-One Activist” series profiles influential activists who are advancing the core causes that Dr. Bronner’s supports through its philanthropy and advocacy work including animal advocacy, regenerative agriculture, drug policy reform, and community betterment. Dr. Bronner’s is a philanthropic supporter of Encompass, an organization founded in 2017 that works to improve racial diversity,
All-One Activist: Erica Meier of Animal Outlook
Dr. Bronner’s “All-One Activist” series profiles influential activists who are advancing the core causes that Dr. Bronner’s supports through its philanthropy and advocacy work including animal advocacy, regenerative agriculture, drug policy reform, and community betterment. As a Dr. Bronner’s employee, I learned that the company is a philanthropic supporter of Compassion Over Killing (COK), a non-profit farm animal protection organization.
Regenetarians Unite!
How the Regenerative Agriculture and Animal Welfare Movements Can End Factory Farming, Restore Soil and Mitigate Climate Change Regenerating Agriculture, Soil and Atmosphere Soil is a miraculous living membrane, crucial for human and ecosystem health. Physically, soil sustains and nourishes us, each year bringing forth the bounty of crops and food that feed us and our fellow animals.