Disclaimer: This post is intended to provide information about how to use Dr. Bronner’s products, but is not medical advice, or a substitute for medical care or advice provided by a physician or licensed medical provider. Is it Scalp Psoriasis or Seborrheic Dermatitis—or both? Both Scalp Psoriasis and Seborrheic Dermatitis cause scaly skin (or plaques) on the scalp,
Category: Body & Home Care
Dr. Bronner’s 2nd Cosmic Principle: Do Right By Customers! Learn about product uses, hacks, how-to’s, and more for body and home care.
Coconut Oil Cheat Sheet for Body-Kitchen-Home!
by Lisa Bronner
Coconut oil usage guides can sound like a high stakes auction. 20 uses! 29 uses! 77 uses! 101 uses! I didn’t try to count mine. I’ve incorporated coconut oil into so many of my kitchen and personal care routines, and I’m always learning more. Every use on this list below are ones I use myself or have seen used successfully.
Are Cold Showers Really Worth It?
Lately it seems like cold showers (and cold bathing) have been getting a lot of attention. Their proponents would have us believe that they can help us with everything from mental health to weight loss. As someone who really treasures the comfort of a hot shower, I wanted to see if cold showers live up to all the hype.
7 Essential Hygiene Tips for Clean Camping
Keeping clean and hygienic while camping is not so different from what you would do at home—but you have to keep Leave No Trace principles in mind and minimize what you pack. Leave No Trace principles are a simple set of guidelines that help conserve wildlife and preserve wilderness for others to enjoy. These principles, along with some simple hacks,
Tips for Eczema and Sensitive Skin
Note: this post focuses on atopic dermatitis, a common form of eczema. However, if like many people right now you are washing your hands a lot more frequently than usual, then you may be experiencing very dry skin and developing eczema-like symptoms such as cracked and blistered skin. Many of the tips covered in this post may help with those symptoms as well.
Coconut Oil for Hair Care
Why is Coconut Oil Good for Hair? To know why coconut oil is beneficial for hair, it’s helpful to understand how individual hair shafts are structured anatomically. Each hair shaft is made up of a central cortex, composed of a matrix of proteins (mostly keratin), that forms the main bulk and pigment of your hair. This cortex is surrounded by the cuticle,
Ayurvedic Uses for Coconut Oil
by Bri Dwight
Ayur-what-ic? Before we dive in… let’s play a word association game! Please read the words below and notice what images first come to mind: Science. Illness. Treatment. If you were born after the 18th century Industrial Revolution (which, let’s face it… you were), then you probably saw white lab coats, test tubes, needles, prescription drugs and fluorescent lit hospital hallways when you read the words above.
How to Clean a Yoga Mat with Dr. Bronner’s
by Bri Dwight
It’s a moment every yogi can relate to… There you are—45 minutes into your favorite class. Your teacher’s new sequence feels like it was designed specifically for you as the playlist moves you gracefully into deeper states of consciousness. Breath by breath, you ride the waves of each inhale and exhale like some kind of mystical yoga dolphin.
Dr. Bronner’s for Acne-Prone Skin
Will Dr. Bronner’s help clear my skin? For anyone who suffers from acne a common question is: will this product or skin care regimen help me? I wish I could say with certainty that Dr. Bronner’s will help you—and although we have seen and received literally hundreds of testimonials from people saying that Dr. Bronner’s has helped them with their acne,
Pet Care with Dr. Bronner’s
Washing pets with Dr. Bronner’s (not just for dogs!) If you haven’t seen Lisa Bronner’s video on how to wash your dog with Dr. Bronner’s, then we recommend you watch that first. Dr. Bronner’s is excellent for cleaning dogs and absolutely safe! But can Dr. Bronner’s be used to clean other pets and animals? The short answer is a resounding yes!