Treatment Ideas for Scalp Psoriasis and Seborrheic Dermatitis

Disclaimer: This post is intended to provide information about how to use Dr. Bronner’s products, but is not medical advice, or a substitute for medical care or advice provided by a physician or licensed medical provider. Is it Scalp Psoriasis or Seborrheic Dermatitis—or both?   Both Scalp Psoriasis and Seborrheic Dermatitis cause scaly skin (or plaques) on the scalp,

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Coconut Oil for Hair Care

Why is Coconut Oil Good for Hair? To know why coconut oil is beneficial for hair, it’s helpful to understand how individual hair shafts are structured anatomically. Each hair shaft is made up of a central cortex, composed of a matrix of proteins (mostly keratin), that forms the main bulk and pigment of your hair. This cortex is surrounded by the cuticle,

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Ayurvedic Uses for Coconut Oil

Ayur-what-ic? Before we dive in… let’s play a word association game! Please read the words below and notice what images first come to mind: Science. Illness. Treatment. If you were born after the 18th century Industrial Revolution (which, let’s face it… you were), then you probably saw white lab coats, test tubes, needles, prescription drugs and fluorescent lit hospital hallways when you read the words above.

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