Oh how I love a good timesaving trick! Cleaning your makeup brushes with Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Soap is exactly that.
Cleaning my brushes is one of those things that often falls to the bottom of my “to do” list. The only time I remember it is right when I’m putting on my makeup. Which is usually as I’m flying out the door. Which is when I don’t have time to wash the brushes.
However, if I do possibly have one more smidgen of time, the Pure-Castile Soap saves me from a wild goose chase through my cabinet trying to locate some special brush cleaning solution that I haven’t seen in far too long. Instead, I always have a bottle of Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile or three sitting next to my sink.
The Pure-Castile really is powerful enough to cut through dried liquid foundation crud, but still gentle enough not to cause the bristles to fall out. Clean brushes work so much better and give peace of mind that I’m not layering my face with unknown bacteria.
And it gives a lovely thrill of satisfaction that I’ve cleaned something well, taken good care of my stuff, and not spent any extra money. And that’s what GIY (Green-It-Yourself) is all about.
Note: you probably want to use something other than our Peppermint scent for this purpose, as the menthol and peppermint oil could irritate your eyes if you use the brushes to apply eye shadow.
Here is the video: